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2024 Gopher Classic
April 5, 2024 - April 7, 2024

!!! Support The Courts !!!
The Gopher Classic is a fundraiser run by students in the U of M Handball Club, which supports collegiate tournament participation and youth outreach. The U of M also has one of the premier handball facilities in the country, if not the entire world, and your direct support of the collegiate club is one of the best ways to keep those courts available to our state, region, and communities beyond. Your contributions help fund equipment, handballs, uniforms, tournament entries, travel, and, most importantly, spreading The Perfect Game!
Register right here on R2 Sports with a bank card or, if paying by other means, have the event director enter your registration.
Entry fees go toward…
- tournament entry and use of locker rooms
- Friday night pizza, Saturday lunch sandwiches
- other hospitality like snacks, drinks, etc.
- welcome gifts
- finalist prizes
- supporting handball programs at the University of Minnesota
- etc…
- note: late fees may apply after the deadline
- Singles
- Men’s Open, A, B, and C/Novice
- Women’s Open, B, and Novice
- 50+, 60+, and 70+
- Doubles
- Men’s Open, A, and B/C
- Women’s Open and B
- 90+ (the “young-old mingler”) and 100+ (minimum: 50)
- Others at director discretion. Or by popular demand!
Can’t play or attend?
These are some of the other ways to show your support!
*** By registering, players agree that they understand there is risk of injury and the use of protective eyewear is mandatory for all. They, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any rights and claims for damages they may have for any injuries that may be suffered by them in connection with their participation in the Gopher Classic and release the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, all employees, and sponsors from any claims. To participate, players will be asked to sign a paper copy of an official waiver, which has additional terms and can be found here. ***