Teacher Clinic

Teach the Teacher Clinics target educators, youth service employees and handball players that want to learn how to teach handball. These clinics are not intended for new players or players wanting to improve their skills but to potential instructors.

These clinics take an hour for the skill portion and an hour for the game portion.

For a video of the skill portion of the clinic Click Here
For a step-by-step template of how to conduct a handball clinic Click Here


The USHA will make handballs and eye protection available to any school that agrees to teach handball as a unit or offer handball under the direction of the USHA certified instructor or physical education instructor. Please complete the form below or contact us at Gary Cruz

Order Equipment through a First Ace Equipment Grant.  Get a First Ace starter kit at no cost and get everything you’ll need to teach handball at your school or club!  (Click on the “Order Equipment” link).

Other First Ace Grants

The USHA accepts First Ace Development Grant proposals for funding new and continuing junior and collegiate handball projects.  The grants are awarded in January of each year at the Winter Board Meetings.  Find out more HERE.


Plan a Workshop for your School

During a “Teach the Teacher” workshop physical educators are taught,  by a USHA certified instructor, the basic strokes and games of handball using existing facilities.

  • No handball courts!  no worries…we use open wall space either inside your gym or outside on any open wall.

During a “Teach the Student” workshop a USHA certified instructor will come to your school and work with your class(es) teaching the students the basics strokes and games of handball.

  • Big class size!  no worries…are instructors can handle class size of up to 12 students for every 20 feet of open wall space.

And the best part is…there is no charge for our service if you agree to offer handball as a class for one term.

Contact: gcruz@ushandball.org to arrange for a “Teach the Teacher” or “Teach the Students” workshop at your school.

Workshops and clinics held to date

View Larger Map

Instructional Videos

More videos on the U.S. Handball YouTube Channel

Intro to Handball The Serve Going on Offense The Backwall
Handball Drills Return of Serve Playing Defense Handball Promo Vid

Instructional videos courtesy of Ralph Weil.  DVDs of these videos are available upon request. 

GAA Handball (Gaelic Athletic Association) offers a tremendous set of Coaching Videos.  Go to GAA Handball Coaching Videos HERE.


Lesson Plans

Download these free lesson plans, learning cues and sample middle school unit.

Elementary School Revised with NASPE standards

Secondary School Revised with NASPE Standards

Learning Cues

Sample Middle School Unit

Four Wall Handball for the Teacher and Student



For a study that rates Handball go to this link: From Dr. Kenneth Cooper’s book Aerobics

To see how Handball compares to other court sports go to this link: Metabolic Comparison of Court Sports

See where Handball ranks compared to on other activities:  Harvard Health’s chart of calories burned in 30 minutes by activity and weight

For information on the need for physical activity go to this link: United States National Physical Activity Plan

For an article about some of the benefits handball has provided to an octogenarian go to this link: How I got This Body


Athletic Performance and Fitness Benefits

For information on handball as a workout go to this link: Think you’re getting a great workout?  You are!

For information related to fitness and handball go to this link:  Physical Fitness Research on Handballers

To learn about balance and handball go to this link:  Physiological Profiling of Competitive Handball Players:  Balance Assessment


Cardio Benefits

For a run down on steps playing handball go to this link:  Pedometer Steps in Handball

For an article about heart rate and handball in schools go to this link:  Heart Rate and Handball