72ND USHA National Collegiate Championships Entry


SKU: 2025CollegiateNats Category:


Location: Multnomah Athletic Club:  1849 SW Salmon St, Portland, OR 97205

 February 19-23rd (Play starts at 8am Wednesday, concludes Sunday around noon)

Host Hotels:   
Park Lane Suites and Hotel Deluxe Portland. (Deadline to reserve is January 18th, both walking distance)

Eligibility: Must be full-time college student and current USHA member. See EXCEPTIONS noted in the eligibility rules due to the cancellation of the 2021 Collegiate National Handball Tournament at ushandball.org listed under the USHA Intercollegiate Rules or contact Sam Esser for information. Official verification of full-time status from fall or spring semester from the registrar or admissions office or a verification of a degree with the official school seal must must be received by Feb. 6 to be included in seeding process. Class schedule slips are not valid.

Entry fee: $80 per player for singles. $20 for doubles. USHA membership ($15/year) Membership is required to compete. Join the USHA before the tournament for “Fast-Track Check-in” at the registration desk.

Doubles: Doubles will be offered but may be limited due to court time available as determined by number of overall participants. If limited, entries will be solicited from coaches after the entry deadline.

Entry: Enter online through the USHA Webstore. Once entry is complete, captains and coaches will be sent a link and instructions to finalize entry.
If entering by mail, make entry check payable to USHA. Make membership check payable to USHA.

Deadline: Entry deadline is Feb. 6. Deadline will be adhered to strictly.

Rules: USHA rules apply. Eyeguards are mandatory.

Awards: To all individual and team finalists. Also male and female sportsmanship award winnersS

Additional information


Singles Only, Singles & Doubles