2022 Mid-America Regional Handball Championships

Rich Goosmann- rich@expertqualitysolutions.com 650-947-8544
April 1, 2022
Bowling Green State University- Student Rec. Ctr.
1411 Ridge Road Bowling Green, OH 43403
Update as of 3/7/22 – Covid-19 policy. More good news! BGSU has removed their mask requirement. Masks will NOT be required at our tournament.
Update as of 3/6/22 – Hotels. Added Home2 Suties & Hampton Inn (discounted group rates), and corrected discounted group rate for Best Western. Note that group rates expire on either 3/24 or 3/25, depending on hotel.
Update as of 2/22/22 – Tournament Parking. On-campus parking will be FREE throughout the tournament. See info under PARKING below
Update as of 2/22/22 – Hotels. See updated info under HOTELS below. See special note for Ohio college students.
Update as of 2/22/22 – Doubles. If looking for a partner, follow the instructions below under DOUBLES.
Update as of 2/20/22 – Covid-19 policy. Vaccinations no longer required.
Update as of 2/18/22 – Club venue changed. See details below under Tournament Venue.
We will continue to follow guidelines from the medical community regarding Covid-19. Obviously changing conditions could warrant revisiting safety protocols. At this time, we do not expect any specific Covid-19 requirements.
Of course, if you are not feeling well, please stay home. Anyone who does not participate in the tournament for health reasons will receive a full refund.
Tournament Venue
We are very fortunate to have successfully arranged for our tournament to be held at Bowling Green State University, 15 miles south of Toledo, located at 1411 Ridge Road, Bowling Green, OH 43403. This move was necessitated by court maintenance issues at the original venue in Columbus.
BGSU has seven handball courts, five of which will be used for the tournament. All are in excellent shape, with upstairs viewing capability. Players will need to bring their own locks and towels.
PRIZE MONEY for 1st and 2nd place in Open Singles. ($500 & $150 respectively).
Tournament souvenir: Zippered pull-over sweatshirt similar to what we’ve done before. Be sure that YOUR SHIRT SIZE IS CORRECT on your profile page). Food and drinks throughout the tournament. Towels and combination lockers provided.
PARKING: Parking on campus will be free. Parking fees are not enforced after 6PM or on weekends. If you plan to arrive before 6PM on Friday, please contact the tournament director to obtain a parking permit.With reference to the map (see MAP in the menu bar above), note the locations of three lots suitable for parking for the Student Recreation Center. Lot 16 is west of the building, Lot X is directly behind it, and Lot 10 is across the street to the east. Everyone must use the front entrance on the west side of the building (arrow on map). However, you may exit (no re-entry) at the back by Lot X.
HOTELS- We are attempting to arrange discounts at nearby hotels and will update the information under the HOTEL menu tab soon. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ANY NEGOTIATED HOTEL DISCOUNTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE BEYOND EARLY MARCH. RESERVE YOUR ROOM EARLY! We have researched the first (and closest) hotel – Best Western at Falcon Plaza. The rooms look nice and are inexpensive with an AAA (or similar) discount. Be aware that rates may increase as the hotel fills up. See details under HOTEL in the menu bar above. Ohio full-time college students: Hotel assistance may be available through the Ohio Handball Assoc. For details, contact the tournament director.
Tournament souvenir: Zippered pull-over sweatshirt similar to what we’ve done before. Be sure that YOUR SHIRT SIZE IS CORRECT on your profile page). Food and drinks throughout the tournament.
Current USHA membership required to play in this event. You may sign-up or renew your membership when you register on-line, or at the tournament desk. Free souvenir with new USHA membership.
Tournament format (except maybe the Novice bracket): Standard USHA tournament rules: Two games to 21, tiebreaker if necessary to 11. Most brackets will have drop-downs, guaranteeing at least two matches.
1. New to Handball? You may enter the Novice division (singles and/or doubles) for a flat fee of just $40!*
2. Juniors (<18) and Full-time Students: Flat fee of $40 for one or two events.
3. If you have not played in a Columbus 4-wall tournament since 2016, you may take a $15 discount when you enter this year.**
4. Enter by 3/19/22 and save $5.
Enter Soon!
We look forward to seeing you!