George Brotemarkle

George Brotemarkle

George Brotemarkle became the 20th member of the Hall and has the distinction of being the only inductee admitted as both a player and contributor. An outstanding basketball player at UCLA and a consistent singles and doubles champion in Southern California. George participated in every national tournament since 1939 through 1972 with the exception of the World War II years, when he served as an officer in the Army. In 20 years of Masters doubles competition, he has four championships to his credit and never finished lower than third. In 1973 he won the first USHA national invitational Super Masters singles for men over 60! As our national treasurer, George is one of two original founders of the USHA still active in the organization, President Bob Kendler being the other. He is directly responsible for establishing the handball Perpetuation Trust and negotiating the tax-free corporation status of the USHA.


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